
Juniata River

The Juniata river is a 104-mile tributary to the Susquehanna River, and runs along one of the prettiest mountain ridges in the state. It is nothing to see a family or two of bald eagles while floating down the river in search of smallmouth bass. The Juniata is the definition of the perfect top water river; it has miles upon miles of shallow river bank hidden underneath over hanging trees. Our fish are always looking for the next meal that falls out of the trees, so why not present it with a popper for its next meal? This river is a wonderful and peaceful system that flows from its headwaters that consist of three great trout fisheries, the Frankstown Branch, Raystown Branch, and the little Juniata. We are also very lucky to have a couple of private islands at our disposer to host overnight camping trips. This is something new for us, but is rapidly becoming one of our most popular offerings as a guide service.

The Juniata is a wonderful system filled with smallmouth of all sizes. Because of its size and volume of water, our average fish is much larger, we can say with confidence that you will find yourself targeting some trophy sized bass on top. This is a perfect river for a traditional drift boat as your main source of transportation, and we have multiple guides that would love to show you the river.